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2015-2-2 14:52| 发布者:好幼师| 查看:6815| 评论:0

摘要:Im driving in the car, Im driving in the car,Im driving in the car, Im driving in the car,Over the mountain. through the trees,Travel the world , and seven seas. Im riding on the horse. Im riding on ...

I’m driving in the car, I’m driving in the car,
I’m driving in the car, I’m driving in the car,
Over the mountain. through the trees,
Travel the world , and seven seas.

I’m riding on the horse. I’m riding on the horse.
I’m riding on the horse. I’m riding on the horse.
Over the mountain. through the trees,
Travel the world , and seven seas.

I’m sailing on the boat. I’m sailing on the boat.
I’m sailing on the boat. I’m sailing on the boat.
Over the mountain. through the trees,
Travel the world , and seven seas.

I’m traveling on the train. I’m traveling on the train.
I’m traveling on the train. I’m traveling on the train.
Over the mountain. through the trees,
Travel the world , and seven seas.

I’m driving in the car, I’m riding on the horse.
I’m sailing on the boat. I’m traveling on the train.
Over the mountain. through the trees,
Travel the world , and seven seas.


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