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幼儿园中班英语教案:five eggs

2015-2-2 14:55| 发布者:好幼师| 查看:11964| 评论:0

摘要:  一、Teacher Aims:   1. Study the word five, let children learn it. The pronunciation and the meaning of them.   2. Review the words: one, two, three and four.   3. Study the phrase: five ...

   一、Teacher Aims:

  1. Study the word “five”, let children learn it. The pronunciation and the meaning of them.

  2. Review the words: one, two, three and four.

  3. Study the phrase: five eggs

  二、Teaching preparation Picture (eggs in a box)

  三、Teaching procedure:

  T: Hello ,boys and girls.

  C: Hello ,Miss Zhang. How are you?

  T: Fine, Thank you. And you?

  C: I’m fine ,too

  T: I have a riddle. Who is the most clever? (钩儿弯弯,挂在竹竿、竹杆短,钩钩大,我们记数要靠它)

  T: Guess, what’s it?

  C: 5 T: Yes. Read after me “five, five ,five…” (Study the pronunciation of “five”)

  T: Let’s play a game, ok?/↑


  T: I’ll do the action, all of you say the English word. OK?

  C: One ,two ,three, four, five.

  T: Let’s have a change I’ll say the English word, All of you will do the action. OK?

  C: One, two, three, four five. (Go on)

  T:Show them a box) What’s this?

  C:… T: Let’s have a look. What’s this?

  C: Egg. T: Yes, very good. (往外拿)

  C: One egg, two eggs, three egg, four eggs, five eggs.

  T: How many eggs in the box?

  C: Five eggs.

  T: Yes, very ,very good. (Study the phrase: five eggs)

  T:Show them pictures, let children speak English)

  C: Five lions. Five eggs. Five trees five boys…

  T: Let’s go out to look for “five”

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